How to Minimize Your Debt Level ‘Every time you borrow money, you are robbing your future self.’ Isn’t it tragic how easily one gets into debt? Coming out of it seems like an impossible path! Most people would borrow from their friends or other entities, but slowly the debt level increases. Think about it – Did you borrow a large sum for the right cause? The good news is that you can minimize or completely
Emergencies will never knock the door before entering your perfect life. You have the perfect job, the most amazing woman/man in your life and the house is a dream! What if you lose the job? What if the ex-wife asks for all your assets? Let’s not forget that not every business is successful! Look around you! Everything is expensive – petrol, diesel, food, rent, maintenance costs, and medical bills. While our endeavor is to stay
We live in a world where everything is exorbitantly expensive. From grocery shopping to the countless electricity bills, the world gives you enough reasons to be unstoppable. People are stepping out of their comfort zones to earn a living. Now getting married may seem like another feather on your hat, but it comes with responsibilities. A wedding may last for a day or two, but marriage is a life-long commitment. With marriage comes the responsibility
‘Age is no barrier when it comes to travelling.’ What about the money? Your heart wishes to travel all across the globe, but looks like there is a dearth of money in your pocket. Whether it is summer break or the much-awaited Christmas and New Year break, everyone wishes to travel to a new destination where they haven’t been. There are some who want to fly to their original home. This may be within your
Financial Planning